To mark the occasion of 50,000 downloads of parts from the previous six sets, I’ve made a seventh set of Fritzing parts. The first set of parts, along with details about Fritzing and about part creation, can be found here. All sets can be found under the ‘fritzing’ tag here. As with the previous sets, these are generally parts that I’ve needed for my own projects.
The parts are as follows:
- LMD18200T
- TCS3200D
- Nano Pi NEO
- RCWL-0516
- CCS811
- AK-SI7021
- TEMT6000
- MyoWare LED Shield
- RFP-611
- RFP-602
Since the Fritzing parts repository ( is no longer available for sharing parts, they will be posted here instead. If you’d like to make a request for the next set, please leave the following details in the comment section below:
- The name of the board/module
- The outside dimensions in millimeters
- Details about each pin (i.e. name — e.g. VCC, GND, SDA)
- An image of it at a reasonable resolution (and as close to parallel to the image plane as possible)